How to impress on a first date?

The first dates are exciting but also terrifying. The biggest of the people on their first date is how to impress their date. The xdate on is a place to find a perfect match. It’s a little difficult not to panic on your first date when you would have a wonderful weird interaction with a stranger who may be your future partner or not. If you think you are going to mess this up, then you are not alone. Everybody thinks like this but before you take a deep breath because we are going to share some extremely important tips for impressing your date.

Dress like yourself

It’s common for people to dress around to impress their date. It isn’t mean that you have to dress lavishly on your picnic date but make sure to dress like yourself. It means you have to be comfortable in your own clothing. Instead of high maintenance look prefer some casual comfortable look because it imparts the impression that you are not actually impressing the other person but being just yourself.

Small talks nahhh big issues

Agree or not but most people do not know how to respond to small talk. Apart from responding to small talk do not give any inside about the person’s views towards life and the world. Talking about politics religion current affairs or any book will leave a good impression on the first date. Even talking about exes can give an insight into the dating psychology of another person. It also tells the current situation of your date emotionally. Bad-mouthing about exes is not a good sign. 

Don’t get drunk or drink too much water

Drinking liquids or alcohol might make you feel good for a brief time bath do not overdo them. If you drink too much water or any other liquid then you can take more rounds to the washroom which can hinder conversation. If you drink too much alcohol then it makes you tipsy and leaves a bad impression. Make sure you are hydrated in a limit.

The body speaks the better language

Even if you are talking most of the words are exchanged non-verbally. It means you should notice the body language of another person. The first date makes you know the boss which results in fast speaking crossing arms or avoiding any eye contact. These are a few signs that are transmitted through your body language which show that you are not interested in another person. Avoid making these body gestures and lean when you speak make eye contact and avoid any fumbling gestures to express your interest, only if you are interested.


The first impression is the last impression. You might meet them virtually or online but the things in real life are different. Make sure to show your best behaviour during the date. Explore more about another person by observing them and paying attention to their ideas and views. Finally, if there is more awkward silence than sparkling eye contact please do not prolong your misery to the second day.